Donate Office Supplies

When we moved into the Wesley UMC space, the North Florida Sewing Center received a large printer as a donation from long-time supporter Marnie Feasel.   This has helped us tremendously as it means we can print instructions for all of our pads for distribution as well as directions for those taking classes from us. 

The kinds of office supplies that we need include:

·        Paper (Marnie gave us a lot for now)

·        Markers (fine point dark sharpies – we need a lot)

·        Pens

·        Tape (packing tape and scotch tape)

·        Note Pads or Post It

·        Laminating Pouches

·        Glue Sticks

·        Envelopes

·        Stamps

·        Toilet Paper

·        Cleaning Supplies  (paper towels, disinfecting wipes, etc)

Anything donated is one less item we have to spend money on so please consider us if you are cleaning out an office or home and wind up with extra supplies.