Donate Fabrics  

We love fabric at North Florida Sewing Center!

And we especially love receiving donations from quilters as quilters’ cotton fabrics align best with items we are making.  Here is what we need the most:

100% cotton busy patterns, calicos, solids, etc

100% cotton flannel

(We go through at least 200 yards per month of each of cotton and flannel!)

We can also use some cotton/polyester blend fabrics, medium weight upholstery fabrics, corduroy, fleece, minky, and denim for some of our projects.

If you have gained custody of a large amount of fabrics due to the passing of a loved one, we can help sort through it.  Often the family members have no idea what kinds of fabrics they are being faced with and the cleaning out process is daunting. 

When we receive fabrics we can’t use (like synthetic fabrics used for making dresses), we donate them to other charities like theatre groups or Repurpose Project. 

If you want to slim down your fabric stash or get rid of sewing supplies, please give to us!  We promise it will get turned into something wonderful to help a person in need!

Examples of items we can use:

·        Thread

·        UFOs – Unfinished Objects - like quilt blocks and quilt tops

·        Rotary Cutting mat, ruler, cutters

·        Yarn

·        Crochet Hooks and Knitting Needles

·        Scissors

·        Bobbins

·        Measuring Tapes

·        Needles – Hand and Machine

·        Glue Sticks

·        Batting (even small pieces)

·        Iron-On Patches

·        Zippers

·        Buttons and Snaps

·        Velcro

·        ETC